Safety at work and therefore the exposure of operators to risks when working is a strongly felt aspect, so there is an ongoing regulation in order to meet the ever increasing demands of tutelage from workers.

In the electromagnetic fields sector, a worker is continually subject to physical agents that, in the long run can lead to the onset of very bad diseases. Although we currently do not have scientific evidence about the existence of any causal relationship between the electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields with the onset of this type of serious diseases, the European Parliament firstly repealed the Directive 2004/40/CE and then, on June, 26th, 2013, the new Directive 2013/35/UE specifying the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields).
The need to amend the legislation stems from ICNIRP directives (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection). This institute set that the worker does not have to be exposed to a localized magnetic induction field level (LA) higher than 18 mT, expressed RMS (root mean square) at the frequency of 50Hz.
To adapt to the new standards of safety at work without compromising productivity has always been the goal of the R & D department of MPB, that, thanks to the know-how developed over the years, has designed and produced the PM50-D-20 the portable magnetic field meter able to perform measurements up to 20 mT for the entire week.

Typical applications where it is possible to overcome the LA limit of 18 mT are to be found in industry of generation and transformation of electric energy because the high currents with high amperage generate high magnetic fields. A worker, thanks to PM50D-20, may know, at any time, the value of the magnetic field maintaining hight safety standards on his workplace. The PM50D-20 allows workers to determine, at any time, the value of the magnetic field in its working area, in order to maintain high safety standards in the whole workplace. The meter can be fastened to the belt or worn at wish, keeping the upper limbs free to operate
Thanks to the PM50-D-20, taking measurements to meet the various work regulations requirements is extremely easy. The worker has just to start the data acquisition by setting a time interval and, at the end, he can download the measurement data on the PC.
This new meter can also work in "data logger" mode up to 168 hours, ensuring a monitoring up to 7 days. By using this tool, the operator is warned by a sound alarm, if the field exceeds the preset threshold level, letting him get away from the field to avoid a dangerous exposure.
If there is the need to monitor magnetic fields next to values of 20 mT, in specific areas and on a weekly basis, the PM50-D-20 can also be used as a monitoring station.
For more information, please read the technical specifications.